Re: Thinking Like a Scribe Mk 6:46

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 17:53:06 EDT

on 04/05/00 11:25 AM, clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:

> I was thinking
> that Jesus was sending them ahead UNTIL he released the multitude. I was
> thinking of hEWS AUTOS APOLUEI TON OXLON as a "Projection" or a condition
> that had to be met before he would join them again. This might require
> hEWS AN + subjunctive, however BDF # 383.2 says that AN is sometimes
> omitted. I am real fuzzy about this which is why I asked the question.

Swete's commentary on Mark led me to Burton #323 (3d ed.1898) which states:

"In classical Greek, especially in tragic poetry, the Subjunctive without AN
sometimes occurs with hEWS after a verb of present or future time. In the
New Testament this construction is frequent."

Burton cites: Lk 15:4, Matt. 10:23, Luke 12:59; 22:34.

Lk 15:4 seems to some relevance to my question:


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

After Word:

All this citing of BDF, Swete, and Burton no doubt runs the risk of calling
down the wrath of the "New Grammarians" those disciples of the empirical
evidence riding fearlessly forward on "the wave of the future*" following
their Leader about whom it has been said in another place and in another

'He is a prodigy. He is an
emissary of pity and science and progress,
an exceptional and gifted creature -- Something like an
emissary of light, something like a lower sort of apostle
of the new gang -- the gang of virtue. **

*Ann Morrow Lindbergh
**Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

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