Re: Greek text linguistics books

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 11:32:20 EDT

on 04/14/00 3:00 AM, Kimmo Huovila wrote:

> What would be a good introduction to Greek text linguistics for a
> linguist already familiar with the basic concepts and methodology but no
> studies on text linguistics in Greek in particular?
> Kimmo


Here are some titles Wayne did not mention:

Levinsohn, Stephen Discourse Features of New Testament Greek,
 SIL 1992 222 pp. (paper)

This one is in print and is inexpensive ($12). I am currently studying this
book and consider it the best thing I have seen yet in the way of an
introduction to text linguistics of NT Greek.

 Robert E. Longacre, <<The
Grammar of Discourse>> (New York: Plenum Press, 2nd edition, 1996).

This book is in print and worth serious study but it is NOT easy reading. It
is a classic of sorts, a reference book used by many in this field. It does
NOT specifically address NT Greek but does make an very occasional comment
about Greek and Hebrew.

Bodine, W. R., ed. Discourse Analysis of Biblical Literature: What it is and
What it Offers. Atlanta: Scholars, 1995.

This book is a series of articles presented at SBL. The articles are
technical and all about biblical Hebrew.

Louw, J. P. Semantics of New Testament Greek. Atlanta: Scholars, 1982.

This book is probably out of print but it is a classic and you will find
used copies of it floating around on the web.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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