1 John 2:8

From: Brian Swedburg (brian@discoveryhills.org)
Date: Thu Apr 20 2000 - 13:39:16 EDT

    Let me be more specific concerning my inquiry in this text. Thank
you Harold for your recommendation that the new command semantically has
an exophoric link to John 13:34-35. I am holding that thought.

- Sherman and Tuggy note in their SIL publication, "A Semantic and
Structural Analysis of the Johannine Epistles", the difficulty in making
an anophoric or cataphoric link in the immediate context, in particular
caused by the use of the "relative neuter pronoun O". It is difficult
tolink this anaphorically with the new commandemnt because of the lack
of grammatical agreement. What they do not suggest, which makes the
best grammatical sense to me, is relating O with O LOGOS of vs 7. What
do you think?

-Agreeing that vv 12-14 have a cohesive function, encouraging the church
in what they and John hold in common and can be sure of, is the writer
using this rhetorically to reinforce what he has already said, or the
command brought in 15?


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