RE: Greek Software and XML

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 08:31:26 EDT

<x-flowed>>Bill Wrote:
>Anyone who can view a web page would be able to use it, as long as their
>browser recognized XML (which very soon will be everone).

My professional life is in the marketing communications industry as
Technology Director for a firm specializing in High-Tech content creation.
I can assure you that this statement is not true. If one wants to have a
site available to a general public audience you are stuck with a lot of old
browsers and operating systems. I am sure that many of the academic
institutions where students might access b-greek from are not connected with
the latest technology.

XML is a wonderful construct but care must be taken to implement it in a
fashion that does not exclude older technology. This is even more true when
we consider visually impaired users or people with other handicaps. This
process applies to many of the wonderful display technologies on the web.
And it gives my company lots of work. We end up creating the same content
in multiple formats to accommodate all potential viewers. This takes a lot
of time.

I know that b-greek is a labor of love. I thank you all. And I encourage
you to keep it in a format where any web user can access the information.
If you do move to new technologies please test how it works for those with
less technology.

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

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