Re: Mark 6:1-2 Continuity/Discontinuity

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 14:25:26 EDT

on 04/21/00 7:47 AM, Mike Sangrey wrote:

> First, one should read the largest possible cohesive unit of thought,
> a semantic ceiling in the mathematical sense. For example, the book
> of Galatians or John should be read and reread in one sitting till it
> flows in one's mind.


This is the approach I was taught 25 years ago by one or two of Bruce
Waltke's disciples, professors who had recently done their doctoral studies
under Waltke's direction.
> This reading should be done in one's native language

For a lot of people this is the only practical thing to do, read it in your
own language. However, I would hold out a carrot on string for the really
hard core language student, by claiming that this kind of reading can and
should be done in the original languages. Yes it may take you 10-15 years to
get there but it is possible and it is desirable to do it in NT Greek.

Thanks Mike,

Have a good Good Friday,


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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