Gender & number: GOMORRA, SODOMA

From: Roe (
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 11:30:40 EDT

Dear list,

Fribergs' AGNT (ver. 2) shows GOMORRA to be neuter plural (GOMORRWN) in
Matt. 10:15, but the same database designates GOMORRAS as feminine
singular in 2 Peter 2:6.

Moreover, while Bauer shows SODOMA to be neuter plural, (agreeing with
Fribergs' analysis in the NT) the BibleWorks' version of the
CATSS-morphed LXX text lists SODOMA as feminine singular, and even
assigns a masculine-sing. rendering in Deut. 32:32 and Ezek. 16:49, 53.

Are GOMORRA and SODOMA ambiguous with respect to gender, or are we
looking at database errors? Neither, nor?

[Exegetical consideration: TOUTIOS (masc. pl.) in Jude 7 could not refer
to an antecedent in verse 7 if all are feminine.]

Thanks for any time / insight,


D. W. Roe
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

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