Acts 2:38

From: Ron Tyson (
Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 08:48:30 EDT

  Concerning the recent messages concerning Acts 2:38, I certainly
appreciate what you are saying about the importance of the community, the
body of Christ. I often think that because of our being conformed to the
world's mold (our society), which has such an emphasis on individualism, we
need to read the Word with "body glasses."
   However, let me come back once again to our place of departure--Acts
2:38. Because of the use of UMWN to modify hAMARTIWN, I wonder if it would
not be proper to view the verse like this: "All of you repent--and let
each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ--for the remission of
your sins..."
   I find this to be consistent with Mark 1:4--...BAPTISMA METANOIAS EIS
AFESIN hAMARTIWN. (excuse my sometimes poor transliterations; I haven't
done much of that). The remission of sins is connected closely with the
   By the way, this b-Greek site is new to me. I appreciate it and look
forward to learning from others.

Ron Tyson

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