questions on luke 12:22-34

From: Dylan Potter (
Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 10:33:48 EDT

i am a relatively new greek student. i take 1 hour/week with a retired
prof...and i lead a bible study at my college. sometimes it is interesting
to note some of the peculiarities of the language. are there any that i
should be aware of in luke 12:22-34? the "toil and spin" of the lilies
seems to be in contention there. and what does Jesus mean in v 24 about
"consider"? just curious....I wish they would somehow reproduce the
alphabet on the screen here just in case people like me forget that the
letter "Q" is in reality theta! how could we impliment that change as soon
as possible? thanks for your time.
grace and peace,

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