From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 02:38:43 EDT

on 05/18/00 9:14 PM, Emory Pitts wrote:

> Colossians 1:7
> "just as you learned (what?) from Epaphras"
> What did the Colossians learn from Epaphras?
> 1. CARIN (of verse 6)
> 2. TOU EUAGGELIOU (of verse 5)
> 3. ?
> Would someone be so kind as to explain the answer to this?
> Thank you!!!
> Mark Wilson
> Can you tell I'm a first year Greek student :o )


Assuming that we need to choose between options #1 & #2 (do we need to?),
the proximity of EPEGNWTE THN CARIN and the fact that the semantic
properties of EPEGNWTE and EMAQTE seem somewhat complementary, I would lean
toward #1. However, I am not convinced that this choice is really forced
upon us.

I will leave there and let the Pauline rhetoric specialists take up the
question when the get up tomorrow morning.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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