Re: Translation: Glossing, Domains, Arguments

From: B.J. Williamson (
Date: Sat May 20 2000 - 23:10:14 EDT


I think those reading translations have a general understanding that they
are not reading the original. It almost appears to me that we may have
unrealistic expectations of producing a "translation."

Unfortunately, translating is not an entirely objective science. For
example, you may "translate" a particular participle as concessive, whereas
someone else may "translate" the same participle differently. Also, you may
translate a word significantly different than someone else's translation of
it (to say nothing of how both of you might interpret your translations).
At times there seems to be a misconception among non-Greek people that
there is such a thing as "The Correct" translation. I have found that no
matter how complete one's translation is, that's just the beginning.
Translations are not self-explanatory. In fact, Originals are not

To some extent, I think I agree with your caution, but we may need to
clearly define, and therefore distinquish, the difference between
"translation (the words)" and "interpretion (the meaning)."

Additionally, I was not exactly clear on where you were headed with
the pastor in the pulpit idea, or the question asked about translating
something into English as the wrong question.


B.J. Williamson

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