Re: Greek Pedagogy

From: Garland H. Shinn (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 14:31:12 EDT


I thought it might be. I taught from this book myself for several years,
and still use elements of the inductive method in my first year program.
In fact, I have written my own first year lessons using a combination of
the inductive method and the more traditional method, attempting to
combine the best elements of both worlds. I found that using the
traditional method just does not provide enough time in the Greek New
Testament, while limiting oneself to the inductive method does not
provide sufficient systemitzation that many students need (or feel they
need) to retain the accidental material necessary for continuing into
second and third year.


Michael Hildenbrand wrote:
> Garland,
> Ah! This is exactly the book! And this is what actually
> happened. Naturally, none of the students had down the more advanced
> syntactical elements, but they could pretty well parse any kind of verb
> that they had encountered in John, and many of them outside of John. By
> the time we got to systematically studying syntax in Dana & Mantey, it
> wasn't really too difficult, since we had seen every syntactical
> construction in the NT (not that we were experts by any means!).
> Understanding how it all fits together is a lifetime job, but we could
> scan a chapter relatively easily. Really, if you are responsible to be
> able to translate up to two chapters in an hour class and that repeated
> three times a week, you are really immersed in the language, leaving you
> quite comfortable with reading it on the outside. The ability to scan a
> chapter also aids observations regarding a whole chapter.
> By the end of the second year most of the students had the
> morphology down pretty well-if only from being buried in it! That would
> become obvious in class if they couldn't translate a portion, as well as
> the usual quizzes that came up every day.
> Michael
> On Thu, 25 May 2000, Garland H. Shinn wrote:
> > Michael Hildenbrand wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > The second semester was spent translating the whole gospel of John
> > > using a textbook printed by the University of Chicago press (wire
> > > binding-I have forgotten the authors). There were exercises in each
> > > chapter that had to be completed (learning all kinds of grammatical
> > > points), but the emphasis was on reading the text.
> > >
> > > Michael Hildenbrand
> >
> > This was probably The New Testament Greek Workbook by James Arthur
> > Walther. It used a purely inductive approach in which the students were
> > given a vocabulary list (no translations) and were required to use a
> > standard lexicon (BAG recommended) to read the portion of John's Gospel
> > from which the list was taken. Notes on the accidence of each section of
> > John were included. The student was to "induce" the grammatical elements
> > of Greek from John's gospel.
> >
> > Garland Shinn
> > Professor of Biblical Languages & Theology
> > Southern California Bible College & Seminary
> >
> ---
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