Re: Canon tables

From: l. j. swain (
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 10:18:59 EDT

"SCOTT, PETER" wrote:
> Larry,
> There is a set of the Tables with an English explanation to be found in
> Nestle-Aland Greek-English NT, 5th ed 1990. The Greek text of the
> letter of Eusebius to Carpian and the tables are found on pp 35*-40*.
> (The pages of the Introduction are each marked with an asterisk.)
> Peter Scott

That's good to know. Thanks. The advantage of Kells or Lindisfarne
over Nestle-Aland though is that the former are actual manuscripts, one
gets to see how the tables were used and viewed by folks who used
them--for example check out any section of these gospels books and
you'll find each pericope marked with the canon table number and the
corresponding passages in the other gospels. Nestle-Aland, at least I
don't believe (mine is at the office at the moment), do more than
reproduce the letter and the canons, I don't think they show actual
manuscript pages nor reproduce the canon numbers in the text. Anyway,
it was just a thought.

Larry Swain

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