Re: Presbuteros

From: Cindy Smith (
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 14:55:40 EDT

>From: MX%"" "Jay Adkins" 28-MAY-2000 05:54:54.57
>To: MX%""

>>From: "Jay Adkins" <>
>Reply-To: "Jay Adkins" <>

>Dear Peter,

>Using GRAMCORD I could find no other reference in the NT where this term is
>feminine. While it is early here as well, it appears to me to contextually
>to be a reference to "merely an "elder woman"."

There's Titus 2:3. In Titus 2:2, presbuteros refers to male elders, I
believe, and in Titus 2:3, presbuteros refers to female elders, that
is to say, male priests and female priests. My opinion, of course.
It is the function of elders, male and female, to teach the young by
word and example. YMMV.

>Sola Gratia,
>Jay Adkins
>Always Under Grace!

Cindy Smith Spawn of a Jewish Carpenter
GO AGAINST THE FLOW! \\ _\\\_ _///_ // A Real Live Catholic in Georgia >IXOYE=('> <`)= _<< "Delay not your conversion /// \\\ \\ to the LORD, Put it not off from day to day" Ecclus/Sira 5:8

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