Re: LALEIN - 1 Cor 14:34

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Tue May 30 2000 - 12:05:51 EDT

<x-flowed>At 08:38 30/05/00, Peter Clark wrote:
>I fully agree with what Marrice says about eisegesis. Perhaps the most
>glaring and obvious instance is that of Ambrose (or was it Jerome)
>wasnting ADELFOS to be cousins as opposed to ENEPSOS which is in the NT
>(but is a hapax I believe).

No, Peter, it was not Ambrose, but Jerome. However the patristic
controversies over
" the brothers " of the Lord was a good deal more nuanced than your bald
statement would make it appear.

An excellent article " the Brothers and Sisters of the Lord in Ecumenical
Perspective " by John P. Meier in CBQ 54 (1992) is well worth reading, with
its outline of the various ( and not always consistent ) positions of
Jerome ( cousin ) , Ephiphanius ( stepbrother ) and Hegesippus ( literal
brother ). As regards the approach of Ephiphanius he notes that even as
reputable a team of authors as Brown et al. who produced "Mary in the New
Testament" demonstrated confusion between "stepbrother" and "half-brother"

This material is also developed in chap. 10 of:
Meier, John P. Jesus the Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus.
Vol. 1. The Roots of the Problem and the Person. New York: Doubleday, 1991.

More recently, the topic ( or part of it ) has been re-visited in the CBQ,
with Dr. Richard Bauckham putting forward qualifications --- however, due
to the disorganized state of my bookshelves [ my bookshelves? -- my entire
house <g> ] I cannot right now put my finger on the two volumes concerned;
you might like to check the TOC of recent CBQ volumes in your university
library, perhaps? Otherwise I may well end up in the attic <g>


Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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