RE: Hebrews 12:2, "our" faith

From: Bill Ross (
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 11:29:34 EDT

...One could paraphrase the sense adequately, however: "the one who sets our
faith into action and brings it to fulfillment." ...

My paraphrase would be more on this line:

"So, given the fact that we are surrounded by so many witnesses that it is
as if we are in the middle of a cloud of them, we should drop the weights
off (of sin) and run with no thought of giving up or quitting this faith
race before us, and pull our gaze to the faith's Champ and Touchdowner:
Jesus - the One who ran His race focused on the joy set before Him even
though He had to face being nailed to the wood, and thought little of the
shame - and is sitting on the right hand of God's throne as an honored
victor. For consider well His great endurance during his opposition from
sinners, so that you don't lose heart and quit. For you haven't had to shed
your blood in your wrestling match (yet)."

Bill Ross

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