From: George Athas (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 19:39:12 EDT

> [...]
> PORNEIA is a broad term including a number of different kinds of sexual
> behavior. For example ritual prostitution would fall under the scope of
> activities called PORNEIA. According to Louw & Nida MOIKEIA is a narrow term
> which is determined exclusively by the marital status of the woman. A
> married woman engaging in sexual relations with anyone other than her
> husband or a man engaging in sexual relations with a married woman who is
> not his wife. Herod keeping his brother's wife would be a case of MOIKEIA.
> [...]

Actually, Herod Antipas' brother, Philip, divorced Herodias. Herod Antipas was committing
PORNEIA with Herodias -- not MOIKEIA. In fact, because Herodias was his cousin and niece,
it was incestuous for Herod Antipas to be married to her. It is this that John the Baptist
condemns -- the fact that Herod Antipas was in a relationship prohibited in Torah. Jesus
also implies this when in Matt 19 he prohibits divorce except in cases of PORNEIA which,
according to his logic must be defined as a relationship in which the two persons have NOT
been brought together by God. That is, Jesus is condemning incestuous relationships also
condemned in Torah. Most poignantly, he says this in the region of Judea across the
Jordan -- ie, Perea. Perea was Herod Antipas' territory and was the region in which John
the Baptist was executed.

Best regards,
- University of Sydney
- Southern Cross College
- Anglican Chaplaincy, UNSW
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