Thinking Greek denuo

Date: Sun Jun 11 2000 - 21:28:37 EDT

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have just reread with new appreciation a lecture very pertinent to the
discussion of Thinking Greek. Wm. Gardner Hale's "The Art of Reading Latin:
How to Teach It" ( contains numerous valuable
observations on how to teach the reading of Latin and Greek. He strongly
criticizes the normal translating/decoding method; he holds forth that we
must think as did our authors & that it is possible to do so if we can be
bothered. I will not try to present a few snippets since I do not know if it
will be of any use to very many, but also because the case Hale presented in
his 19th.-cent. lecture, together with full specimens of how he conducted
class, cannot not possibly be done any justice by a few quotes. I will say
that the incomplete application of his principles in my high school Latin
classes has been very satisfactory; when I teach both Latin and Greek next
year, I will make it my aim to conform as much as possible to his
prescriptions. Faithfully,
Dan Monroe
Marshfield High School
Coss Bay, OR

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