
From: Glenn Cook (pule67@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 18:26:37 EDT

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<P>Dear b-greek list</P>
<P>Many members have mentioned Lexicons and other books and CDs that they
recommend and I appreciate them doing so, as I learn about books, etc. that I
did not know about. Not being in an academic atmosphere, this, along with the
exchange of ideas, is needed and appreciated.</P>
<P>I have been looking for a good Greek-English lexicon and have followed up on
many of your suggestions only to find that the book was too expensive for
<P>Now I have a chance for the free use of "The complete Word Study Dictionary
of the New Testament" by Spiros Zodhiates TH.D. published by AMC Publishers
Chattanooga, TN 37422. © AMC International 1992 revised 1993. ISBN
<P>Being what Jonathan Robie calls a Little Greek, or I should say, a very
Little Greek, I have no way of judging the reliability and accuracy of the
<P>Will one or more of you scholars please be kind enough to inform me as to how
dependable this book is? May I trust it to be authentic, the information to be
unquestionable. If it is a book I can rely on in my studies I now have a
dictionary. Hurray! And if it is not adequate, I am still looking.</P>
<P>Thank you for your kindness in letting a "Very Little Greek" on here and
taking the time to advice him.</P>
<P>Glenn Cook</P>
<P>P.O. Box 123</P>
<P>Aurora, Utah</P>


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