Re: Greek N.T. papyrus, et al

From: Jim West (
Date: Wed Jun 14 2000 - 14:12:40 EDT

At 01:38 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>This is my first post to the list and hope that my question is not 'too
>far' off target.
>I have acquired several manuscripts and desire that they be properly
>The range of dates are as early as the 12th century until the early 20th
>1. Regarding history:
>Does anyone know how I can obtain a professional digital image of these
>manuscripts so that I can add them to the arena of historical
>scholarship ?

anyone with a scanner can set the image to 300 dpi or better and you will
have an excellent digital representation.

>2. Regarding conservation:
>I have delivered one manuscript dated 1160 a.d. from Switzerland of
>Marcus VI:2 to the "Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts"
>for an analysis report. It is in relatively good condition and I plan
>to have it framed in UV glass on both sides since text is written on
>both sides.
>I am still awaiting the results of the report and still have time before
>I give the OK for framing. Is my plan to preserve it by framing the
>'most-correct' way ? I'm realying on the advice of the Conservator.

well anything that old deserves to be nicely framed. if the conservator
recommends that method- you might as well follow his advice.




Survey data shows that 98% of Jews approved Janet Reno's retrieval of Elian
Gonzalez. They know what it is like to be trapped in Miami with relatives.


Jim West, ThD

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