[b-greek] Re: BLEPW & hORAW MK 8:23-24

From: CWestf5155@aol.com
Date: Wed Jun 21 2000 - 15:30:05 EDT

In a message dated 6/20/100 2:24:49 PM EST, c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net

 Simon Dik suggests that we should shun transformations. >>

Hey Clay!

I've been out of the loop for months! I just wanted to say that I'm in
emphatic (prominent?) agreement with Dik on this to a point. You know what
the Systemic Linguistic types say: "Trust the text"! Approaches such as
kernal analysis seems problematic from square one. I can't understand how it
ever achieved credibility when it destroys the evidence as a first step.

As per the order of the text versus diagramming, I agree with Mike on
this--what comes first has to be significant. This corresponds to M.A.K.
Halliday's discussion on theme as the linear point of departure of the
message. I have struggled with believing this myself, but communication is
linear, and what comes first and last both occupy a prominent position. That
isn't to say that it is the main point, however. I'm fairly convinced that
the active verb conveys the main idea, and what comes first is
significant/prominent as the writer/speaker's chosen point of departure for
the sentence.

On the other hand, diagramming is probably good for the English-speaking
soul, since it places everything in a more familiar syntactic arrangement so
that we can perceive and process the hierarchical arrangements a little
better through clarifying the associations of independent and dependent
clauses. But then, we need to put everything back in place to appreciate and
interpret the writer's approach.

Cindy Westfall
Roehampton, England

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