[b-greek] Re: MENETE EN AUTWi KAI PAROUSIAi AUTOU in 1 John 2:28

From: Ilvgrammta@aol.com
Date: Thu Jul 06 2000 - 15:59:15 EDT

In a message dated 00-07-06 14:59:56 EDT, mauros@iol.ie writes:

>At 19:13 06/07/00, Ilvgrammta@aol.com wrote:
>In 1 John 2:25, John appears to use AUTOS to refer to the Father, who
>promised everlasting life to His people
 You will find a summing up of scholarly opinions on this in:
 Brown, Raymond E. The Epistles of John. Anchor Bible vol. 30. New York:
 Doubleday, 1982. And Brown opts for what he sees as the majority opinion
that AUTOS is Christ, advancing also the argument that AUTOS here, with its
 force ( 'he himself' ) and that the dispute in the previous verses has
 centred on denying that Jesus is the Christ and so "it is Jesus, not the
 Father, that the author needs to underline".

Thanks for reminding me of Brown's treatment, Maurice. Its been a while since
I read his commentary and I do not remember every detail of his discussion.
But presently, I'm in the process of re-examining my views on this section of
John's first Epistle anyway. I'm trying to figure out how John employs the
pronoun AUTOS throughout his discourse in relation to the Father and the Son.
And I'd like to know how one can be so certain John has reference to Christ
in 2:25, when he ends 1 John 2:24 as follows: KAI hUMEIS EN TWi hUIWi KAI EN
TWi PATRI MENEITE. My question is: what is the grammatical principle at work
here that causes one to choose one referent over another?
 Again, in v.27, Brown sums up the scholarly opinion, adding a reference
 to a long NOTE to 2:20a on "anointing" in which he envisaged " an
 anointing ( perhaps phsyical ) with the Holy Spirit, the gift from Christ
 that makes one a Christian ". He notes that "B.Weiss would argue that the
 "he" of 27a and 27b is God, and that Westcott sees it as "God-in-Christ "
 but adds that these "views have little following".

The comments above strike at the heart of the issue. If the one that anoints
is Christ, then MENETE EN AUTWi in 2:28 would make more sense. But I think
that other factors must be considered before hastily taking that position.
2:29 is also problematic in that it focuses on the one who brings forth
Christians as children of the divine One. But that's another problem. :-)


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