[b-greek] amhn legw humin

From: Darrell Jachim-Moore (dkmcto@ritvax.isc.rit.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 14:33:16 EDT

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<DIV><FONT size=2>B-Greekers,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>I'm currently researching the use of the Hebrew root 'mn for a
thesis.&nbsp; Beyond the Hebrew scriptures, I'm also carrying my work into the
NT. Of course, in the NT (in addition to pist- and aleth- stem Greek words) we
continue to see the responsorial 'amen' especially in Paul.&nbsp; However, the
gospels use it in a unique fashion in that on the lips of Jesus it serves as a
pre-positive or introductory particle "amhn legw humin".&nbsp; Even more
pronounced is John's double amhn, amhn in similar constructions.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>After some brief review of the related texts (approx. 130
occurrences of amen in the NT over approx. 100 verses), I'm wondering if a case
could be made for viewing this formulation as a unique and emphatic discourse
marker such that one might suggest that its use serves to indicate that what
follows&nbsp;in the text was especially important to the gospel writers (perhaps
even more important than other texts where this formulation was not particularly
utilized).&nbsp; I know that&nbsp;various cases have&nbsp;been made for how the
use of amen as an introductory formula occurred (e.g., conventions from the use
of hH mHn, nai, etc.), yet it seems that&nbsp;this is somewhat less important
than the fact that it is being used to express emphasis regardless of how it
came about.&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>I'd appreciate any insights&nbsp;from those who are more
experienced on these types of issues.&nbsp; Can the case be made for this
formulation as an emphatic particle, therefore offering a
particular&nbsp;highlight to the&nbsp;importance of the material being
introduced?&nbsp; Are there other similar introductory formulations (e.g. use of
alhthws&nbsp;legw humin, etc.) that I ought to consider (or not ignore)?&nbsp;
Is there any&nbsp;potential correlation between the Hebrew use of 'thus says
YHWH' and this formulation?&nbsp; Finally, any known resources to help&nbsp;me
better get at this issue?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Many thanx in advance for your thoughts.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>darrell</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
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