[b-greek] Re: hello everyone

From: Jim West (jwest@highland.net)
Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 21:59:51 EDT

At 04:43 PM 7/18/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Hello Everyone!
>I am new to the group as I am the Greek language. I have a quick question
>for anybody who would like to answer. I have an "antalical lexicon to the
>NT" by Mounce. Would it be helpful also to get a Greek-English Lexicon
>like the BAGD that all the books are always taking about, or is it
>basically the same information.

get BAGD.

(by the way-- i refrained from laughing out loud the other day when the new
edition was advertised as appearing in october.... HAHAHAHAHAHAH-- but i
can restrain myself no longer.)




"going around stirring up apathy "

Jim West, ThD

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