[b-greek] Re: Discourse Analysis - Already but Not Yet

From: Eric S. Weiss (eweiss@gte.net)
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 13:28:02 EDT

Thomas Schreiner, in his Baker commentary on Romans begins each section
with a diagram/explanation of the thought flow. He has a chapter in his
book on the Pauline Epistles (Scot McKnight's series - also Baker, I
believe) where he explains how to follow the author's argument. It's the
closest thing I've seen in a major commentary series (but I haven't looked
a lot) to DA. I don't know if the other volumes in the Baker series do

Some of Schreiner's arguments about the apostle's meaning (i.e., where he
argues for one view as opposed to another view) are based on some DA

On the other hand, he paragraphs Romans 8:12-17 as a single paragraph, with
14ff. following from and based on 12-13. So does NA-27. But it seems to me
from reading it that Romans 8:12-13 breaks the flow of what precedes and
what follows. 8:12-13 describes behavior, whereas 8:14-17, and what
precedes 8:12 (i.e., 8:1-11) describes state - i.e., who we are in Christ
based on what God has done. Part of it, of course, depends on the
translation of EIPER in 8:9, and Schreiner takes it to mean "if it is true"
as opposed to "since it is true." He argues that the Spirit gives us the
power/ability to keep the law, something that is now incumbent upon us, as
I read him.

Which says to me that presuppositions can govern DA, whether my
presuppositions or Schreiner's, assuming a DA case can be made for breaking
8:12-13 apart from 8:1-11 and 8:14-17.

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