[b-greek] Re: Romans 8:8-9, was Discourse Analysis (computer model)

From: Eric Weiss (eweiss@gte.net)
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 14:09:26 EDT

But ... and I hope someone else answers this ... if the editors of NA-27
seemingly started a new paragraph, why don't they print it that way, instead of
just preceding it with a space and starting the sentence with a capital letter?

By the way, I ran into my old Greek teacher at a bookstore. He still thinks
Beekman and Callow, The Semantic Structure of Written Communication, is the best
book on DA. At the bookstore I picked up my ordered copy of Cotterel and Turner,
Linguistics & Biblical Interpretation, and I have started reading through some of
the chapters in Levinsohn's book.

CWestf5155@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 8/2/00 6:56:03 PM Mountain Daylight Time, eweiss@gte.net
> writes:
> << The DE in 8:8
> doesn't seem to have as much prominence (if that's the word) as the DE in
> 8:9, and NA-27 seems to recognize this. >>
> Eric,
> I'll let someone else answer your questions about NA-27.
> I agree with you that 8:9 is more prominent than 8:8, but let me reframe the
> evidence a bit.
> First, an element of contrast or an adversative is always more prominent than
> continuity (KAI). I would suggest that the DE in 8:8 signals the same kind
> of prominence as 8:8, unless having two consecutively builds up the emphasis
> (possible). But what makes 8:9 particularly prominent is the interpersonal
> switch from the 3rd person to the second person pl., and the use of 2nd
> person pl. pronouns.
> So it is the use of DE and three 2nd person pls. (2 pronouns and a verb) that
> create more of a 'zone of turbulence' than in 8:8. But prominence is always
> relative--next you'd have to ask how 8:9 is functioning--and it looks like
> the editors of A-27 might have started a new paragraph because they
> recognized a chain of 2nd person plurals in 8:9-11 (EN hUMIN is repeated four
> times, and hUMWN once--that's quite a significant pattern).
> Cindy Westfall
> PhD Student, Roehampton

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