[b-greek] Advanced Hermeneutics (off topic)

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Sat Aug 12 2000 - 13:57:40 EDT

I have been reading a book which sheds some light on the background of some
of our disagreements on b-greek. We cannot discuss this topic on b-greek but
perhaps I can get away with mentioning the book.

Bartholomew, Craig Reading Ecclesiastes. Old Testament Exegesis and
Hermeneutical Theory, Analetca Biblica #139 Roma, Pontificio Istituto
Biblico 1998

This book draws a clear map of the hermeneutical landscape. The author is
very lucid and he reduces the material under discussion to a manageable form
without trivializing it. This book is for advanced students. It assumes a
level of general knowledge which will perhaps be somewhat daunting to first
year seminarians.

The SBL review which is not as lucid as the book itself can be found here:


One little draw back of copy which I obtained from Oregon State U is a
printers error which resulted in a number of blank pages (missing text) in
the back matter. This may not appear in the entire book run.

The book is listed in Eisenbrauns Scholars Source catalog.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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