[b-greek] Re: AGANAKTEW in Mk 10:14

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Sun Aug 27 2000 - 13:38:34 EDT

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew wrote:

> Better not rely on an English translation when the topic is Jesus getting
> angry. C. Spicq (vol 1 page 7) has this comment on AGANAKTEW: "In the
> Gospels, AGANAKTEW never means indignation or displeasure but anger." Spicq
> qualifies this in a foot note where he states that Matt 26:8 is an
> exception.
> Most of the widely used English versions rendering it "indignant."
> Furthermore when I performed a NT search on AGANAKTEW and looked at how it
> was rendered in the RSV, NIV, NASB I found that it was translated as
> indignant nearly every time and never as "anger." The *NRSV broke the
> pattern by rendering it as anger repeatedly.

One salient point which I overlooked here is that AGANAKTEW is only used
once in reference to Jesus but several other times in reference to one or
more of the disciples and it is also used of members of the Jewish religious

It would appear from William Lane's (NICNT Mark) remarks that he considered
this word to mean "indignant." Lane points out that there are a number of
places in Mark where much stronger terms are used in reference to Jesus.
So perhaps Spicq is a minority voice on this. The EDNT still uses renders it

My fuming about "bland" translations being produced by "bland" people was
painted with a broad brush. One of the "blurbs" on the slip cover of "The
five books of Moses" by E. Fox gave me the inspiration for my comments,
calling Fox's translation a protest against bland translations. That is all
I was doing is protesting blandness.

The GNT when read with a lexicon (several) in hand is not bland. You must
however use the lexicon(s) or the GNT will simply be a mirror image of what
you have read in English. This is somewhat similar to the point that Carl
made in his response that reading Greek is not a miracle cure.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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