[b-greek] To List Admin: Request for assistance

From: Clifton D. Healy (xianphil@yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Sep 02 2000 - 23:22:58 EDT

My apologies in advance for sending this to the list.

I have attempted to use the SunSITE page, and have
looked at both my original subscription messages and
the B-Greek home page, but I can find no instructions
for setting to "No Mail" or "Vacation" or what have

Beginning Monday, I will be on vacation for a couple
of weeks and would like to temporarily suspend service
for that time to conserve mailbox space. I do not
want to unsubscribe, merely to take a break.

Can you assist me?

Clifton D. Healy
email: xianphil@yahoo.com
alternate email: cdhealy@hotmail.com
web page: http://sites.netscape.net/cdhealy

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