[b-greek] Biblica on-line

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (mauros@iol.ie)
Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 19:00:02 EDT

<x-flowed>List members may like to know:

>>Fascicle 81/3 (2000) of our journal is already
available on-line at its usual site:
In this issue you will find articles by Professors
Hermann Spieckermann (Göttingen),
Robert F. O'Toole,
James Swetnam,
Jan Lambrecht
and John J. Kilgallen (Pontifical Biblical Institute),
Nadav Na'aman (Tel Aviv),
Dr. Dominic Rudman (Exeter),
Dr. Wilfried Warning (Germany),
Dr. Earl S. Johnson, Jr. (New York)
and Dr. George M. Hollenback (Houston).
As usual, you will find on our pages the complete
index of this issue and those of the last ten years,
summaries of articles published over the last ten years
and the complete text of articles and shorter contributions
published since 1998. <<



Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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