[b-greek] An offlist inquiry

From: Phil Sanders (psanders@telalink.net)
Date: Thu Sep 14 2000 - 14:19:58 EDT

Fellow B-Greekers

I am doing a fresh study of the word psallo as it is used in the New
Testament. I am aware of the definitions in Louw & Nida, BAGD, TDNT, and
NIDNTT; but I would like to know more.

As it is used in the NT, does PSALLONTES in Eph. 5:19 mean that instruments
of music must or may be used in the worship of the church? Or does this
word as it is used with TE KARDIA HUMWN restrict the instrument played on to
the heart?

Any response will be welcomed. Since this inquiry may be getting close to
theological rather than lexical conclusions, perhaps offlist responses are

Phil Sanders

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