[b-greek] Re: Wallace on Ga 4:14

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 16:08:49 EDT

on 09/18/00 10:10 AM, clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:

>> Clay:
>> Here is the actual quote --- progressing from " most probable" to " is "
>> I would rate as blunt rather than nuanced <g>
>>>> One of the many theologically significant constructions is AGGELOS
>> KURIOU (cf. Matt 1:20; 28:2; Luke 2:9; Acts 12:7; Gal 4:14 [AYYELOS QEOU]
>> In the LXX this is the normal phrase used to translate MLACH ADONAI ("the
>> angel of the Lord").
>> The NT exhibits the same phenomenon, prompting Nigel Turner to suggest that
>> "AGGELOS KURIOU is not an angel but the angel [of the Lord]." Indeed,
>> although most scholars treat AGGELOS KURIOU in the NT as "an angel of the
>> Lord," there is no linguistic basis for doing so. Apart from theological
>> argument, it is most probable that AGGELOS KURIOU is the angel of the Lord
>> in the NT and is to be identified with the the angel of the Lord of the OT.<<
>> Regards
>> Maurice
> Thanks for this clarification. I suspect that a number of well informed
> folks might find lumping Gal 4:14 [AYYELOS QEOU] under a discussion of
> AGGELOS KURIOU to be a dubious procedure.

I looked at some passages* in the LXX to see how often AYYELOS QEOU renders
malak YHWH and how often it renders malak elohim. Numbers 22:22ff had a
string of occurrences where AYYELOS QEOU renders malak YHWH. All of the
others were renderings of malak elohim. 2Sam. 24:16 looked like a passage
worth close inspection but I don't want to take the time to do it.

The Numbers 22:22ff samples indicate that it is not impossible for AYYELOS
QEOU to be used in a definite sense in the LXX but I don't think we can
assume that AYYELOS QEOU is definite or that it is an equivalent of AYYELOS
KURIOU without close consideration of each particular occurrence.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

*passages I checked using E. Tov's MT/LXX database

Gen. 21:17
Gen. 31:11
Ex. 14:19
Num. 22:22
Num. 22:23
Num. 22:24
Num. 22:25
Num. 22:26
Num. 22:27
Num. 22:32
Num. 22:35
Judg. 13:6
Judg. 13:9
2Sam. 14:17
2Sam. 14:20
2Sam. 24:16

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