[b-greek] Need help on a book

From: Glenn Cook (pule67@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 12:07:11 EDT

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<P>Tuesday, September 19, 2000</P>
<P>Dear Mr. Bartholomew</P>
<P>You have a lot of knowledge about book and have been helpful in the bast, so
I am taking advantage of that and bothering you again.</P>
<P>I have my great-grandfather&#8217;s library and some of the books came from his
father&#8217;s library.</P>
<P>One of them interest me very much, as I need to decide what to do with it. It
was given to my great-grandfather by his father. It was originally bound in
leather, but is starting to come apart.</P>
<P>I showed it to a colleague that was professor of Art at a school I taught at.
That has been some years back. 20 or more years at least. He said he did not
know about the book, but many of the woodcuts in it were valuable and if it was
him, he would finish taking it apart for the woodcuts. It does have many
beautiful illustrations. </P>
<P>It is about 8 x 11 x about 6 inches thick and has such a long title I should
copy the title page and send it to you. But here is most of it:</P>
<P>The comprehensive</P>
<P>Critical and Explanatory</P><FONT size=4>
<P>Bible Encyclopedia</FONT><FONT size=3> </FONT></P><FONT size=2>
<P>Containing a complete</P></FONT>
<P>Definition and exploration of all Religious terms</P><FONT size=2>
<P>Bible Antiquities, Biography, Geography</P><FONT size=2>
<P>Natural History</P><FONT size=4>
<P>An Illustrated History</P></FONT>
<P>of the</P><FONT size=4>
<P>Words and Works of Jesus</P></FONT><FONT size=2>
<P>edited by</P></FONT><FONT size=4>
<P>Edward Robinson, D.D., L.L.D.</P></FONT><FONT size=2>
<P>author of</P></FONT>
<P>"Biblical Researches in Palestine", "Greek and English Lexicon of the New
Testament", "The Hebrew Lexicon, Harmony of the Gospels" in Greek and English,
"Historical and Critical Dictionary of the Bible". Etc.</P>
<P>Printed in Toledo, Ohio 1881 by H.W. Snow and Company</P>
<P>The section on the words and works of Jesus has many beautiful woodcuts and
there are many woodcuts throughout the book.</P>
<P>What I am trying to find out is: Is it a book that has interest to anyone? Is
it of any importance? </P></FONT></DIV>
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