[b-greek] Re: Textual variant at 2 John 1:9

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (cierpke@prodigy.net)
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 16:45:37 EDT


The manuscript evidence for PARABAINWN is P (025) which dates from the 9th
century, Psi (044) which dates from the 8th or 9th century, 033 which dates
from the 10th century, 1739 which dates from 10th century, the Majority text
manuscripts and the all the Syriac versions. So for all practical purposed
the evidence is pretty slim, hence the absence of comment in the UBS GNT

PROSAGWN here refers to the heretics claims to have "advanced" knowledge of
Christ. John says they have "advanced" beyond the doctrine or teaching of
Christ and they have gone beyond Christ. He is borrowing their terms that
the Gnostics are using and throwing it back at them.


At 12:22 PM 9/21/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I would appreciate any help with the following...
>First question:
>In my Bible software (Teacher's Bible Companion), I noticed that there is a
>difference between the UBS GNT and the Textus Receptus at 2 John 1:9. The
>GNT has "proagwn", and the TR has "parabainwn". However, when I looked this
>passage up in my UBS GNT 4th ed., I was surprised that the variant was not
>even noted.
>Could anyone please tell me about this variant from a manuscript standpoint?
>Does it not show up in the notes because the evidence is overwhelmingly in
>favor of "proagwn"?
>Second question:
>What do you think the meaning of "proagwn" is in this verse? The literal
>meaning would be "go before" or "lead forth". Is it talking about someone
>who leads/teaches others into false doctrine about Christ?
>Mark Taylor
>St. Louis
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
Cierpke Memorial Library
Tennessee Temple University/Temple Baptist Seminary
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