From: Francisco Orozco (reformer@hmo.megared.net.mx)
Date: Sat Sep 23 2000 - 11:27:36 EDT


Louw & Nida state that PRESBUTEROS is

(a) old man 9.31- "an adult male advanced in years"
(b) elder 53.77- "a person of responsibility and authority in matters of
socio-religious concerns, both in Jewish and Christian
societies." They add: "In some languages PRESBUTEROS is best rendered as
'older leaders,' but in other languages the more appropriate term would be
the equivalent of 'counselor,' since it would be assumed that counselors
would be older than the average person in a group as well as having
authority to lead and direct activities."

My question is, does the term PRESBUTEROS *used in its religious sense*
imply and assume its *chronological sense*? That is, does the usage of the
term in the NT (and other related literature) assume that the "elder" (lets
say, in a synagogue or in a Christian assembly) is also an "old man"? Or
might the term in its religious sense by-pass its chronological sense -
could a young man be an "elder"?

As an aside, are there any indications in the related literature as to when
a man is an old man (PRESBUTEROS)? 40's? 50's?

Francisco Orozco

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