From: dhwarren@attglobal.net
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 02:09:40 EDT

Jim Poulsen wrote:

> Does anyone know what the "smallest" Greek NT might be and where to buy it?
> My smallest GNT is UBS 3rd edition which is 5"x7.5"x1" (926 pages)
> My smallest Bible (OT & NT) is 3.5"x5"x.75" (1,004 pages) and includes a
> zipper to protect the edges.
> I'd like to get a small GNT that I can carry in my shirt pocket. My eyes are
> pretty good so a small font is okay. The ideal would be to have a GNT the
> same size as my small zippered Bible to carry with me just like my
> mini-Bible to read when I'm waiting somewhere for a few minutes.
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Jim Poulsen

The smallest Greek New Testament that I know of is H KAINH DIAQHKH (12th ed., 1990),
published by ADELFOTHS QEOLOGWN H ZWH in Athens. Of course, this is the Byzantine text
(not quite the same as the Textus Receptus of Erasmus, Stephanus, Bezae, and the
Elzevirs), and there is no apparatus, but it is "shirt-pocket" size, measuring 31/4" X
41/2" and only 1/2" thick, with a nice binding.

As for a more critical edition, the first edition of the United Bible Societies Greek
New Testament came out in a handy size, but I have never seen one for the subsequent

David Warren

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