[b-greek] Re: Overtranslating? Ign. Eph. 12.2

From: Michael Holmes (holmic@bethel.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 11:25:31 EDT

Re Bart's question about Ignatius, Eph 12.2:
One hesitation regarding Larry Swain's suggestion ("you are the path for
those martyred" or even "you are the path for those taken up by martyrdom to
God") is the use of the term "martyred"; it is likely an anachronism to use
that term w/regard to Ignatius, inasmuch as it seems that the term entered
Xtn usage in this sense sometime between the death of Ignatius and the death
of Polycarp (roughly 3 decades later). Thus I ended up rendering the
Ephesian text in question as "the highway of those who are being killed for
God's sake"--clearly in the same direction as what Bart is trying to get at.
Mike Holmes
Bethel College

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bart Ehrman" <behrman@email.unc.edu>
To: "Biblical Greek" <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 9:12 AM
Subject: [b-greek] Overtranslating? Ign. Eph. 12.2

> Interesting passage in Ignatius to the Ephesians, 12.2, where the soon
> to be martyr refers to the Ephesians as the road through which those who
> are martyred pass: PARODOS ESTE TWN EIS QEON ANAIROUMENWN. He goes on to
> speak explicitly about Paul.
> My question is about ANAIROUMENWN. It *could* simply refer to people
> being taken up to God; but it also could refer to people being slain. I'm
> tempted to try to get both ideas in, so that rather than translating it as
> "you are the passageway for those who are snatched up (or some such
> thing) to God" or "you are the passageway for those who are slain for
> God," I'm toying with something like "you are the passageway for those
> taken up to God by their violent deaths."
> BUt maybe that's too much. Yeah, probably is too much. But what do
> you
> think?
> -- Bart D. Ehrman
> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> ---
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