[b-greek] Back in the States

From: George A, Goolde (goolde@eoni.com)
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 00:48:09 EDT

Kay and I are back in the States after a profitable summer in Papua New
Guinea and Australia, where we learned much about tribal evangelism and
translation of the Bible into tribal languages. We are now at New Tribes
Missions Institute in Baker City, Oregon completing further training before
joining New Tribes Mission, where we will be seeking creative ways to equip
tribal missionaries to use Greek tools in their church planting and
translation work. Now that we are settled (sort of) here in Oregon we are
glad to be back with you all.

Of course, we welcome all ideas concerning helping to prepare missionaries
for translation work!

In His matchless grace,

George A. Goolde

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