[b-greek] Re: 1st John 1.2 Grammar

From: Carlton Winbery (winberyc@speedgate.net)
Date: Sun Oct 15 2000 - 10:06:11 EDT

Carl Conrad wrote;
>One implication of this fact is that there are "oodles" of O-stem
>adjectives--322 still by the NT Koine era--that show OS/OU in the
>nominative and genitive without distinction of masculine and feminine
>gender. One large sub-category of such are the verbal adjectives in
>-TOS/-TON and -TEOS/-TEON, anod another of the very common 2-termination
>adjectives found in the NT that Carlton didn't mention is ERHMOS,"desert"
>or "wilderness"; ERHMOS is really an adjective used normally with the
>feminine article from which the implicit feminine noun GH is omitted: hH
>ERHMOS [GH]--'uncultivated/wild terrain.'
In fact, ERHMOS which occurs 48 times in the NT is the paradigm we use for
the 2nd declension only adjectives in the Morphology (P.89). It is
difficult to keep students from referring to the 2nd declension as the
"masculine/neuter" declension since the masculine article as well as
several common pronouns as well as adjectives use 2nd declension endings
for the masculine and neuter forms. A common example of a 2nd declension
noun that is feminine is hH hODOS, -OU, the way, path, road, journey, etc.
A number of nouns in the 2nd declension can be either masculine or
Many of the 2nd declension feminine nouns are the names of cities or
countries, AZWTOS, AIGUPTOS, etc.

Interesting in a boring sort of way.

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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