[b-greek] Sexy words

From: David M. Scholer (dscholer@fuller.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 18 2000 - 11:26:47 EDT

Bart, I have often been intrigued with Juvenal, Satires, 6.195 (in his
satire on women), in which he identifies *zoe kai psuche* as sexy language
used (inappropriately) by Roman women. I have never succeeded in finding a
comment on these words in literature on Juvenal (which, of course, I do not
know well). I have always assumed that this referred to sexual intercourse,
but I have no proof for that. David M. Scholer

>Reply-To: Bart Ehrman <behrman@email.unc.edu>
> I'm interested in finding Greek terms involving sex and sexual
>activities, terms that would have been vulgar or crude (the phi-words in
>Greek :-)) but that were given euphemistic renderings by Liddell and Scott
>(or other 19th century lexicographers). This is a sudden and urgent
>interest (since I suddenly realized that it might relate to a conference
>paper I'm writing, and it needs to be written in the next few days...);
>but since almost all of my work is in NT and other early Jewish and
>Christian texts, I must confess not to have a slew of such beasts at my
>ready disposal.
> Any words come to mind?
>-- Bart Ehrman
> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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David M. Scholer
Professor of New Testament and
Associate Dean for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies
Fuller Theological Seminary
Pasadena, CA 91182
626-584-5288; Fax: 626-584-5251; E-mail: dscholer@fuller.edu


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