[b-greek] Re: Smart's rule and John 20:28 compare to 1 Tim. 6:15

From: Randall M. Tidmore (rmt@elp.rr.com)
Date: Tue Oct 24 2000 - 15:02:41 EDT

Dear b-greek members:
greek] Re: Smart's rule and

ar b-greek members:
greek] Re: Smart's rule and
I do not claim to be near the level of Greek that most of you must be, but
as I read this string of messages, it seems to me that the with Jn 20:28 is

more about accepting what it says, than understanding what it says. It only

becomes difficult when it conflicts with one’s theology IMHO.
ays. It only

comes difficult when it conflicts with one’s theology IMHO.
ays. It only

Here is another example of nouns with articles coupled by KAI, according to

“Smart” would this be a parallel passage? Please excuse my not
ccording to

transliterating it—I still have trouble doing that.
se my not
ccording to

ansliterating it—I still have trouble doing that.
se my not
ccording to

1 Timothy 6:15 “…He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings

Timothy 6:15 “…He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings
and Lord of lords” NASB.
 the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings

d Lord of lords” NASB.
 the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings
he blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings
Randall (Randy) M. Tidmore
he blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings
A “little greeker” wanting to learn.
 and only Sovereign, the King of kings
ttle greeker” wanting to learn.
 and only Sovereign, the King of kings
B-Greek home page: http://metalab.unc.edu/bgreek
vereign, the King of kings
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