[b-greek] Re: law prophesied

From: Alex / Ali (alexali@surf.net.au)
Date: Wed Nov 01 2000 - 02:44:14 EST


NOMOS is masculine, and as EPROFHTEUSAN is an indicative verb, we wouldn't
expect there to be an agreement of gender, as verb endings (in contrast to
participles) are neutral as to gender. That's a separate issue from the
agreement in respect of number - your description of it "going along for the
ride" is a good one. There are quite a few examples of this sort of thing in
the NT. The matter of metonymy is separate again: "the law" may suggest
"authors", but I don't think that's why the plural is used; rather, that's
because of the PROFHTAI.

Alex Hopkins (Melbourne, Australia)

PS Was Randy's response off-list, as I didn't receive it but saw two from

>In Mt. 11:13 what is the syntactic relationship between neuter hO NOMOS and
>the 3rd person plural verb EPROFHTEUSAN? Is "the law" simply a case of
>metonymy here (law standing for the authors of the law), with gender
>agreement suspended or based on the semantic, rather than syntactic, role
>hO NOMOS? Or is hO NOMOS not even considered in the person agreement with
>this verb, but just going along for the ride with 3rd person plural hOI
>PROFHTAI in the conjoined KAI noun phrase?
>Wayne Leman
>Bible translation site: http://bibletranslation.lookscool.com/
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