[b-greek] Re: Antecedent of hWi in I Peter 1:6

From: Dale M. Wheeler (dalemw@teleport.com)
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 11:00:56 EST

I wrote...

>At 03:00 PM 11/8/00 -0500, Rodney J. Decker wrote:
> >At 11:03 AM 11/8/00 -0800, you wrote:
> >>The other thing is the DEON, which is difficult for sure, esp., since its
> >>this frozen neuter sing form. I can't decide if its supposed to be
> >>supplementary to ESTIN (even when its only implied) with LUPHQENTES as a
> >>circumstantial ptc of purpose (your diagram ?!), or as a predicate with
> >>the participle as the subject (sort of constructio ad sensum).
> >
> >I've taken LUPHQENTES as an adverbial (aka, circumstantial) *concessive*
> >ptcp ("although you may suffer...").
> >
> >In light of your comments, and rethinking some of this sentence, what
> >about taking the hINA clause as the subject of ESTIN DEON ("that the
> >approved quality of your faith should be found... is necessary")? This
> >would take hINA as a noun clause; alternately, one might take ESTIN DEON
> >impersonally and the hINA clause as epexegetical...? But I think the noun
> >clause is better.
>That doesn't strike me as quite right. Even though the EI is not first in
>the clause it still "introduces" the clause as I see it, and it is the EI
>that provides the "conditional" sense to the sentence; and thus not the
>participle being concessive. Thus the conditional necessity is not that
>your faith my be proved "genuine", but that you may in fact have to suffer
>at times. The ptc is ad sensum epexegetical/complementary to the DEON,
>viz., "it may be necessary for you to suffer..." If this were DEI then the
>ptc would be its subject (but, of course he would have used an infinitive
>and not a ptc, which could be misconstrued as substantival subject). Well,
>at least that's how I see it...

Well, as I was shaving this morning, it finally dawned on me what you were
saying about the ptc (perhaps a good night's sleep helped). If you take
the ptc as circumstantial of concession, then you need to diagram it
directly to AGALLIASQE and take the EI clause (as well as the hINA) off the
ptc. Thus you get: "...you rejoice, although for a short time you may
suffer with various trials--if such is necessary--in order that..." Done
that way, it seems to me that what Peter means is that in order for your
faith to be "purified" (ie., the "worthless" parts of what we believe to be
removed like dross) a believer needs to "suffer"; but such suffering is
totally in the hands of God (I take it that this is a divine DEON) and He
alone decides if, when, how much, how long, of what sort that "suffering"
should be.

See you at ETS...

Dale M. Wheeler, Ph.D.
Research Professor in Biblical Languages Multnomah Bible College
8435 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97220
Voice: 503-251-6416 FAX:503-251-6478 E-Mail: dalemw@teleport.com

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