[b-greek] Re: Corrections p75

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (c.s.bartholomew@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Sun Nov 19 2000 - 00:31:48 EST

> Larry Swain wrote:

> Clayton,
> Good to hear from you.

Yea right.

> I think that it is significant, both its stout
> appearance and the thickness of the strokes indicate to me another
> corrector in this instance. I did make a comparison to the other
> interlinear items I found on the page. About half the way down the page
> the line reads: SMON (picking up from the KO from the previous line) EN
> TW KOSMW HN KAI O KOSMOS DI. Above the HN you'll see an H and then an
> E. Compare this H with the superscript H above, and I think this H on
> this line is definitely the same hand as the main text--the shape of the
> letter is the same, the ascending stroke approximately the same, the
> place of the crossbar relative to the ascending strokes approximately
> the same place. But these etas and the one Dr. Mann asked about don't
> seem to me to be the same. The epsilon on this line I don't know. The
> only real difference between this epsilon and those of the main text is
> the crossbar is lower in the letter, but that could be because of its
> superscript nature, or hurried, but it seems in other features the same
> as the main script. My question is just what are these two letters
> correcting?


I took a close look at this page of p75 in Aland & Aland [1] . After
studying the shape of H in a better reproduction of p75, a page from Luke 16
(See Metzger [2]) I would agree with you that the H which is the center of
this discussion is not like the other H's produced in this document. It does
not look like it was made with the same writing instrument nor does it have
any of the other subtle characteristics. It is a different H. We are agreed
on that.
>> Comfort & Barrett seem to think that the corrections in p75 were the scribes
>> own work. See their comments in their introduction to p75.
> I don't have this work to hand, could you summarize or reproduce their
> comments? It would be interesting to know how they came to their
> conclusions.
>> Gordon Fee*, while not addressing this question specifically argues that p75
>> was not subjected to extensive correction by later editors/correctors. The
>> general drift of his discussion seems to assume that the bulk of the
>> corrections were made by the original scribe. Again, I could not find any
>> explicit statement in Fee about this, just reading between the lines.
> I wouldn't disagree with the general conclusion. But Fee doesn't rule
> out "other correctors" being active, but that other correctors were not
> responsible for the bulk of the corrections, nor, as you say, that the
> papyrus itself was subjected to extensive correction.

Both Fee [3] and Comfort/ Barrett [4] are quoting Erenst C. Colwell [5] on
this subject so I will just quote the quote from Comfort:

"In P75 the text that is produced can be explained in all its variants as
the result of a single force, namely the disciplined scribe who writes with
the intention of being careful and accurate. There is no evidence of
revision of his work by anyone else, or in fact any real revision or
check . . ."

So the the problem boils down to what do we make of Colwell's statement.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

[1] page 91, ALAND, Kurt and Barbara: The Text of The New Testament,
revised and enlarged, Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1989.

[2] plate III, Metzger, Bruce Manning: Text of the New Testament: Its
Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration, Second Edition ;
Oxford University Press, 1979. Second Edition

[3]page 260, Epp, Eldon J. and Gordon D. Fee: Studies in the Theory and
Method of New Testament Textual Criticism ; Grand Rapids:
William B. Eerdmans, 1993

4] Philip W. Comfort and David P. Barrett, eds. The Complete Text of the
Earliest New Testament Manuscripts. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1999.

[5] page 121??, Colwell, Ernest C.: Studies in Methodology in Textual
Criticism of the New Testament ; Eerdmans, 1969

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