[b-greek] RE: Parsing Guide

From: Ken Smith (kens@180solutions.com)
Date: Thu Nov 23 2000 - 12:13:06 EST

Perseus is what I use --


They've got the Westcott-Hort text there, along with a remarkable
selection of pretty much every other classic Greek text you could ask
for. (My one gripe is that, apart from the NT, they're inexplicably
missing any ecclesiastical Latin or Greek texts. I've asked why and
didn't get anything like a satisfactory answer.)

The fonts it uses are completely user-configurable. My recommendation
is to switch your default browser font to one of the Unicode fonts (I
believe Arial will work), and then choose the Unicode (UTF-8) encoding.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Theodore H Mann [mailto:thmann@juno.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 4:50 AM
> To: Biblical Greek
> Subject: [b-greek] Parsing Guide
> I'm pretty certain this question has been asked before, but I
> guess I paid no attention at the time. Does anyone know
> where to locate an online NT with parsing that uses Greek
> fonts rather than transliteration? Thanks. For those of you
> living in (or emanating from) the States, I hope you have (or
> had, depending on when you see this message) a great Thanksgiving.
> Ted
> Dr. Theodore "Ted" H. Mann
> thmann@juno.com
> http://www.homestead.com/ChristianResourcesLin> ks/index.html
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