[b-greek] aspect and participles

From: SPegler919@aol.com
Date: Sat Nov 25 2000 - 21:35:38 EST

Porter defines the aspect of participles as +factive presupposition, but does
not explain what this means, especially in relation to his definition of
infinitives as -factive presupposition. Is anyone aware of any work done on
this aspect of participles?

Stephen Pegler AC 75-77
Ph.D. Candidate New Testament
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Bannockburn, IL

Family Genealogy:
Pegler (anywhere), Crawford (Ohio), Oard, Heath (NC to TX), Murchison,
Doughty, Edwards, Hinton, Brinkworth, Merrill, Brewster
Grant (Liverpool, London)
Tapp Pankhurst Haywood Foster in SSX, England
Romero, Martinez, Atencio, Sandoval - Hispanics in New Mexico

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