[b-greek] Re: Question for Sunday

From: Dexter Garnier (dgarnier@sohncom.org)
Date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 07:21:50 EST

on 11/30/00 2:37 PM, clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:

> on 11/30/00 1:18 PM, Wieland Willker wrote:
>> No.
>> I don't know to what K. Jobes is referring to, but the image on the cover of
>> her book is
>> Papyrus Yale 1 with Gen 14:14!
> Wieland,
> You are right. K. Jobes was wrong. My original five minute search did
> identify the correct passage. Three cheers! Perhaps K. Jobes has not seen
> the front of her book! I looked at this fragment until I was going blind and
> could not match it with anything in Ezekiel 1-2.
> This following links will get you to a view of the mss. in question. Try the
> second link first if that doesn't work go to the first link and look for
> Yale 1.
> http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/rak/earlypap.html
> 17. PYale1 of Gen 14, recto, and verso (2nd ce, papyrus codex; number 318
> abbreviated),
> http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/rak/lxxpyale1v.jpg
> Clay

FWIW: My copy of the book arrived a couple of days ago (not from Amazon).
The image on the dust jacket looks like a palimpsest with a portion of 8
lines of Marchalianus on top and Papyrus Yale 1 underneath (portions of
lines 6-9 and the top half of line 10 -- according to the ccat url image).
However, a google search for Marchalianus found several hits of interest
but nothing stating that Q is a palimpsest. The Amazon picture of the dj is
definitely not the same dj on the book that I have. Same look, different

Dexter Garnier
San Francisco, CA

> --
> Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
> Three Tree Point
> P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062
> ---
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