[b-greek] Re: Rev 13:18 Mark of the Beast

From: Kevin L. Barney (klbarney@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 12:51:28 EST


The name "Caesar Neron" (using the Greek form of the name with a final nu)
in Hebrew letters equals 666. This isn't a slam dunk, because this theory
requires a variant spelling of the word "Caesar" (I think you have to drop
the yod; I'm doing this from memory), but the alternate spelling is in
fact attested.

The textual variant 616 is usually taken as support for this view, rather
than taken as evidence for an understanding of this as being Gaius. The
reason is that the letter "n" in Hebrew has the value of 50, so when you
drop the final nu from the name to get the Latin form Caesar Nero, the
number becomes 616. I believe the scribe who wrote 616 understood the
gematria here as a reference to Nero; whether the author of Revelation
intended that is perhaps a dicier question. FWIW, I am willing to assume
that he did, at least until a better explanation comes along.

Kevin L. Barney
Hoffman Estates, Illinois

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