[b-greek] The usage of TOU + Infinitive in Gal 3:10

From: Steven Craig Miller (scmiller@plantnet.com)
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 14:50:17 EST

To: Steven R. Lo Vullo,

<< According to Wallace the "epexegetical infinitive clarifies, explains,
or qualifies a noun or adjective." I don't really see a noun or adjective
here which is a good candidate for clarification ... >>

Wallace also notes that some grammarians also say that it can qualify a
verb, and that is the way I understood it, so we're not that far apart in
our understanding of this passage.

<< Since purpose and result are the most common uses of the genitive
articular infinitive, and since it
seems more natural to take TOU POIHSAI with the verb EMMENEI than with any
of the nouns in the sentence, I would suggest taking it as a genitive
articular infinitive of result. >>

There is not that much difference between calling it a "result" or calling
it "epexegetical." But the question was whether or not the translation "by
doing them" was acceptable. IMO it is, it defines what it means to "abide."

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)

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