[b-greek] Rom. 1:17 and Cognitive Grammar

From: Wayne Leman (wleman@mcn.net)
Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 00:53:16 EST

Kimmo Huovila said:

> Dear Wayne,
> I saved this e-mail you sent on B-Greek a while ago with the purpose of
> going after the reference at some time. Unfortunately, the University of
> Helsinki has canceled its subscription to the magazine three years ago.
> I am interested in both cognitive grammar and Rom. 1:17 (though not in
> translation per se). Would you mind giving a brief summary of his actual
> cognitive grammar analysis of the idiom? I am interested in this partly
> because I have not been able to convince myself of Paul's meaning with
> that idiom, as I have not been able to find really convincing parallels.

I decided it would be easier for me to copy all the pages of the article for
you instead of trying to summarize it. If you will go to this URL:


you will see a listing of all the pages of the article in GIF format. (There
are two facing pages per file.) If you prefer, you can download all the
pages at once by downloading the benware.zip file.

I think you will be able to read most of the text of the article fairly
well. My equipment could not make all the footnotes clear enough to read,
but you may still be able to read some of them

The article is, of course, copyrighted, but you and others are free to
download and read the article for your own personal scholarly use under fair
use copyright law.

Please let me know if you have any problems with the files.

I hope you enjoy the article.

Wayne Leman
Bible translation site: http://www.geocities.com/bible_translation/

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