[b-greek] Re: More quibbles re: usage of TOU + Infinitive in Gal 3:10

From: Mark Wilson (emory2oo2@hotmail.com)
Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 22:06:09 EST



You wrote:

My own take on verse 12 would again be to understand it (whether or not one
converts it into English explicitly so) as perfective, in the sense:

"But the one who gets them performed will live by them" (or "But the one
who has performed them will live by them"). Or--since Paul probably
understands ZHSETAI in an eschatological sense, "will have life by them."

This is a question about the Future tense in general. Could the Future tense
be understood as my translation suggests below:

"But the one who gets them performed will consequently (subsequently) live
by them."

Perhaps seeing the Future used as a "logical consequence." If you get X
done, Y must follow. Almost as we learn in Logic:

If A then B
Therefore B

Thank you,

Mark Wilson

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